
The XR ERA team curates the article collection. Our community contributes insights ranging from philosophical questions to practical applications. We invite you to share your insights with us!

StereoKit | Recap Meetup #23

StereoKit | Recap Meetup #23

On the 13th of March, the XR ERA community gathered for an interactive workshop on StereoKit - an “easy-to-use open-source mixed reality...

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The Legal and Ethical Obligations of Implementing XR in Education

The Legal and Ethical Obligations of Implementing XR in Education

XR holds great potential for transforming education, offering novel and effective learning experiences, and is increasingly adopted by higher education institutions. There are, however, overlapping legal frameworks that apply when implementing XR, particularly data protection and intellectual property laws. Beyond legal obligations, ethical considerations are paramount.

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The Role of Wearable Haptic Devices in XR | Recap Meetup #16

The Role of Wearable Haptic Devices in XR | Recap Meetup #16

WEART develops wearable haptic devices that enable a naturalistic and comfortable interaction with virtual objects, surfaces, and materials, allowing people to grasp, touch, feel, and manipulate content. By implementing rich haptic feedback — a combination of forces, vibrations, and thermal cues — the experience is brought to a high level of realism, which is deemed crucial to engagement and effective learning.

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Learning With Social XR

Learning With Social XR

‘Does the bomb have a parallel port?!’ my friend shouts into my ear. I turn the bomb around. ‘No, it doesn’t,’ I reply, stressed out. ‘Cut the wire!’ he yells. I hold my breath and cut…

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VR by Proxy

VR by Proxy

Here is a familiar problem for those of us working in the immersive technology space: without a killer app for VR, how will we ever get to the level of VR hardware saturation that we need…

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The State of XR in Academia

The State of XR in Academia

Extended Reality (XR) is gaining ground in academia, both in research and education. Universities are holding virtual court sessions, researchers are gaining new insights…

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