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Meetup #28: BrainManVR, Neuroscience, & Pizza Maths

Wed, Oct 30, 2024,
16:00 - 17:30 CEST

Imagine if teenagers enjoyed learning maths as much as they love gaming?

Keen to discover how a combination of VR, AI, and neuroscience can be harnessed to increase 10-14 year olds’ comprehension of core maths concepts? What is the significance of each of these elements, both in isolation and combination and what, indeed, is Pizza Maths?

If these questions spark your curiosity, we’d be thrilled to have you join us alongside our speaker for this month, the CEO, Science Communicator, and Neuroscientist, Dr Richard Lewis.

As Richard himself elaborates regarding his diverse background,

“Having spent the best part of two decades helping people gain a better understanding of how to get more out of their brains, via TV, books and talks, I started pivoting towards with a VR Masters degree in 2019. I went on to build a multiplayer team building experience for the World Economic Forum sustainable transport division in 2022 as a solo developer and subsequently took a role as a product owner for Fundamental VR, spending 2023 coordinating the development of a cataract surgery training simulation. I launched BrainManVR in 2024 to make learning maths more fun and less painful”.

To hear more from Richard about Pizza Maths and the impact of his background upon his work in XR, we look forward to seeing you there!

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About the Meetups

XR ERA organizes regular meetups to share knowledge, ideas, and experiences on various XR-related topics. Got an insight, experience, or project to share, or would you like to start a discussion? You’re welcome to present your work, questions, and challenges during a meetupThe XR ERA team organizes the meetups. Reach us at xrcommunity@llinc.leidenuniv.nl with your topic suggestion.

Past Meetups

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